Filemaker custom function that returns value list of all tokenize
d words from Text.
Tokenize ( Text ; Separator )
Text - source text
Separator - condition are used as a word separator
Data type returned
Splits the Text on single words/phrases using the Separator.
If the empty Separator is used ("") then space (" "), dot ("."), and colon (",") are used as a word separator simultaneously.
The words are returned as a value list with carriage returns.
Input (source text with conditions separated with "*"):
Tokenize ( "john_smith*some text about FileMaker solutions*family’s friend*some value" , "*")
Output (list of tokenized conditions):
some text about FileMaker solutions
family’s friend
some value
Let([ space = " "; spacedText =If( $Already_Sub="yes";Text; Substitute ( text ; "." ; space )); spacedText = If( $Already_Sub="yes";spacedText; Substitute ( spacedText ; "," ; space )); $Already_Sub = "yes"; flag = If (IsEmpty(separator);0;1); adjustedText = If(flag; text; spacedText ); count = PatternCount(adjustedText;If(flag; Separator; space)); first = Position(adjustedText; If(flag; Separator; space) ; 1 ; 1 ); word = Left( adjustedText ; If(first = 0 ;Length ( adjustedText ); first-1)); adjustedText = Right (adjustedText; Length ( adjustedText ) - first); $Result = If ( IsEmpty(word) ; $Result ; $Result&word&¶ ) ]; If(count ≠ 0; Tokenize(adjustedText; Separator);Left($Result; Length ($Result )-1)))