SUI Message Board
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SUI Message Board is a specialized messaging add-on designed for direct communication between team members working in a FileMaker network. Like a traditional message board, team members can post communication both publicly and privately.
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Preparing SUI User Manager
- Make a list of Roles that will define different user access levels for your solution (ie: Manager, Salesperson, Administrator, etc.) These Roles can match the existing Privilege Set names in your solution.
- Open SUI User Manager.
- Go to File -> Manage -> Value Lists… (For FileMaker 8.5: File -> Define -> Value Lists…)
- Edit the value list called Role List. Replace the existing values with your own Roles. Be careful not to delete the Administrator value.
- Save changes and close SUI User Manager.
Preparing Your FileMaker Files
Perform the following steps for
each file of your solution.
- Open your existing solution file.
- Open the Manage Scripts dialog (For FileMaker 8.5: Define Scripts) by selecting from the menu Scripts -> ScriptMaker…
- In the Manage Scripts dialog box, click Import.
- In the Open File dialog box, find and open the file SUI_User_Manager_v1.0
- In the Import Scripts dialog box, select the script $Account and click OK.
- To map your application Roles to the file’s Privilege Sets, edit the newly imported $Account script.
- 7. In the script section between the markers #Begin of user defined section and #End of user defined section make 3 new script steps for each Role you created using the template below, replacing the "<role>" with the actual Role name and "<unknown>" with the actual Privilege Set that the role is mapped to:
If [GetValue(Get(ScriptParameter); 4) = "<role>"]
Add Account [Account Name: GetValue (Get(ScriptParameter); 2); Password: GetValue(Get(ScriptParameter); 3); Privilege Set: <unknown>]
End If
Tip: This template already exists in the script in a disabled state. You may just select all three lines, duplicate, enable and modify them.
Repeat Step 7 for each application Role.
Repeat Steps 1-6 for each of your application’s files that you would like SUI User Manager to control.
Note: Sometimes, different Roles should be mapped on the same privilege set. Example: If you have a separate Zip Codes database file with only one privilege set called «Viewer», you can map both application Roles: «Employee» and «Manager» to this privilege set.
Preparing SUI User Manager (Continued)
- Reopen SUI User Manager.
- Create file references for all of your solution files. (Please see FileMaker Help for more details on this step.)
- Go to Scripts -> ScriptMaker… Locate and edit the script called ManageAccountsInFiles
- In the script section between the markers #Begin of user defined section and #End of user defined section add script steps using the template below and replacing the "<unknown>" with a reference to your solution file. Specify only those application files that are with the already imported $Account script:
Perform Script ["$Account" from file: "<unknown>" Parameter: Get(ScriptParameter)]
Repeat Step 4 for each file of your application.
Using SUI User Manager
- To create a new account, open SUI User Manager. Click Add. In the open window, enter the user’s name, login and specify their Role. You can add the user’s e-mail, photo and signature as well. Click Save. The account for this user is created for all files.
- To change a user’s data, open SUI User Manager. Click the green arrow next to the user’s name on the User List. Modify the user’s data and click Save.
Note: When you create a new account with the Administrator role using SUI User Manager, it will be created with the [Read-Only Access] privilege set. You must manually change the privilege set for this account to [Full Access]. This happens because FileMaker does not allow for the creation of [Full Access] accounts programmatically. This type of account must always be created manually.